How does this started?
For the sake of my wedding & honeymoon, I decided to buy a camera. To my wife's surprise, I said I want to buy a S$3000 camera body, without any lenses some more. Nikon D200. This was suggested by someone without any photography skills at all. So ambitious & it was so tough to get my wife's blessing over this. I want to thank my wife for letting me to make my own decision although she wasn't that happy with the decision back then. The spending didn't just stop there of course. That was about 2 years ago. 1 year & 11 months later...... As a small kid in photography terms, I really enjoy the view through the lens. This shot was taken by a D200 & 85mm f/1.4 combination. Wide open at f/1.4. It's a banana tree's leaf. Back in my hometown-Sibu during my 1st week with my camera.
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